Friday, August 21, 2009
Scarred lives
- Sayuri, 22 years old, smokes a cigarette in her room. She smokes 2 - 3 packets of cigarettes in a day
(from the ).
Sayuri, 22 years old, driving a car at night. She just quit her job since her condition became really bad and she could not continue to work normally. Sayuri had experiences of sexual abuse in her childhood and that triggered self-injury
(from the ).
Mariko takes medicine before she sleeps. She always takes sleeping pills because she can not fall sleep as usual since she became mentally ill (from the ).
- Kaori. Plagued by depression and what she describes as panic attack disorder, the 23-year-old from Fukuoka cycles through jobs. In order to deal with her anxiety, she sometimes resorts to injuring herself. In this photo, she makes a bandage to stop the bleeding (from the ).