Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gender flavor

Rachel Papo captures the life of women serving in the Israeli army. Elzbieta Jablonska tells us about Polish super-mothers. JeongMee Yoon explores the wardrobes of young girls and boys. Cass Bird and Molly Landreth take us on a trip across queer America. Julia Fullerton-Batten has visited a most scary school.

Rachel Papo (from the Serial No. 3817131 series)

Rachel Papo (from the Serial No. 3817131 series)

Elzbieta Jablonska (from the Supermother series)

JeongMee Yoon (from The Pink & Blue Project series)

Cass Bird (from the Portraits series)

Molly Landreth (from the Embodiment: A Portrait of Queer Life in America series)

Julia Fullerton-Batten (from the School Play series)